Are you interested in any of the premises, do you need more information or do you want to see us? Write to us or give us a call.
Ing. Milan Richter
Business Manager
T: +420 267 008 534
M: +420 728 087 731
Slezská 96/844
130 00 Praha
Obejkt Spravuje
Technicpark a. s.
Radiová 1122/1
102 27 Praha 10
Ič: 45271607
DIČ: CZ 45271607
Zapsaná v OR u MS v Praze, Oddíl B, vložka 1410
Don't waste time looking for compromises.I
nstead, focus your energy on what really earns you. Just let us know what requirements the rented premises must meet and we will design a solution tailored to your business. Because your success is a priority for us.
Ing. Ctirad Richter
Chairman of the Board
Ing. Jan Bobovský
Member of the Supervisory Board
Ing. Pavel Pospíšil
Member of the Supervisory Board
Ing. Jiří Šach
Chairman of the Supervisory Board